Calling all green-thumbed dreamers and honey-hearted brand cultivators! Get ready to dig into a garden of possibilities and watch your brand buzz with magic with Cultivate Your Offer Seedlings!

Nurture the Seedlings of Growth, Cultivate Your Offer Hive.

But, what is it though?

You ask intriguing questions, bee!

Being part of Cultivate Your Offer Seedlings is like having your very own hive of idea bees buzzing around your brand garden! We'll sprinkle a dash of pixie pollen on your seedling ideas and watch them grow into flourishing blooms that will make even the busiest bees stop and take notice.

What's Included in Cultivate Your Offer Seedlings?

Seedling Assessment:

We'll put on our gardener hats and take a stroll through your brand garden, analyzing & auditing the offers in great depth.

Then, we'll sprinkle some pollen magic and watch them grow!

Garden Party Planning:

Armed with our trusty trowels and watering cans, we'll craft a blossomin' good plan to nurture your seedlings into full-fledged blooms.

Implementation Support:

From pollinating your messaging to tending to your sales hive, I'll be there to lend a hand (or a shovel) every step of the way, ensuring your brand garden thrives with vitality and vigour.

Bee-lieve me, it'll be a sight to behold!

Buzzworthy Guidance:

I won't disappear into the bushes once our calls end. You'll have me on speed dial for all your brand gardening needs! This means 24/7 access on Slack.

Why Choose Cultivate Your Offer Seedlings?

Bee-licious Wisdom:

As a seasoned brand beekeeper, I know the ins and outs of nurturing a thriving brandhive. I've got the honeycomb charts and waggle dances to prove it!

Bespoke Gardening:

We don't believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Each brand garden is as unique as a fingerprint, and I'll tailor the magic to suit your specific needs and aspirations.

Honey-Driven Success:

Our mission is simple → to help you achieve tangible results and watch your brand thrive. I measure our success by the transformation of nectar into golden honey, ensuring your brand's sweetness is shared far and wide!

Frequently asked questions

Got your brain buzzing with questions? I gotchu!

How long is the partnership?

Cultivate Your Offer Seedlings is designed to be a sprint lasting one week, i.e. 5 business days. Ideally our partnership will start on a Monday and come to a completion by Friday EOD.

Can you explain the program to me like I am a 4-year old

Love that you keep that inner child alive! In the most simplest terms, Cultivate Your Offer Seedlings helps you establish a solid foundation to elevate your brand by crafting your USP and refining your current offers, as well as ensuring they're getting the visibility & love they deserves. This includes, brand strategy audit, strategic brand positioning strategy, messaging framework, launch plan and systems blueprint. At the end of our partnership you will have a solid understanding of your core offers, an easy-to-follow marketing plan and a robust systems blueprint to get you going on solidifying your brand's stance in the market.

Do I need to have an existing offer?

Ideally, yes! While it isn't a requirement, you'll greatly benefit from our partnership if you already have some sort of offer you've tried & tested. A big part of this partnership is based on auditing your brand strategy and using the feedback + data you've collected through your commerce to inform the decisions we make to help build a strong foundation for your brand. With that said, I have worked with folks who haven't yet developed any offers but have a sound understanding of what they want to offer- this can be based on their corporate or any other work experience. If you're not sure, book a FREE consultation call with me and we can hash it out!

How much is the investment?

Cultivate Your Offer Seedlings is currently priced at $997USD.

What kind of support will I be getting?

You will get THREE 1:1 calls with me over the span of our week (5 days) together, as well as up to 2 weeks of Slack support. Our partnership also includes a custom Notion dashboard that will include a brand strategy blueprint, launch calendar and anything else you might need to ensure you're able to effectively execute the strategy.

Still have questions?

No worries! I offer a free 30 minute consultation call to see if we're the right fit.

Ready to Begin Your Buzzing Adventure?

Don your beekeeper suit and grab your gardening gloves! Join Cultivate Your Offer Seedlings today and let's embark on a bee-utiful journey through the buzzing garden of opportunity!

Book your spot!